I suspect the Steam update is the culprit. Later I'll submit a trouble-shooting ticket to Steam for the heck of it. Head back to our Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare cheats page for a load more cheats and tips for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Then type the following codes to enable the corresponding effect in the game. Type 'seta thereisacow 1337' as a console command and press '' to display the console window again. Thanks for posting this, as you saved me weeks of frustration. At the 'Option' menu enable the console and press '' (tilde) to display the console window. Then I just found your thread, hotpick, and took a chance. But the COD4 single-player would not dump an error log or even write anything to the Windows system log. I also launched the COD4 multiplayer and it came up fine, except for a message about punkbuster disabled. I did not go as far as reinstalling Steam since I have all the other Modern Warfare games and they still run fine in singleplayer. I tried all recent fixes suggested in trouble-shooting threads from the past two years: reinstall the game thru Steam, disable the MILES sound-system file, installed the latest Realtek audio drivers for my motherboard, have latest Nvidia drivers updated, etc. Then suddenly last night the COD4 singleplayer game would not launch. What the heck happend? I bought COD4 for Steam a few weeks ago and the single-player was running fine, under Windows 8.1 64-bit, and I managed to play through the first 3 missions.
Hotpick, just wanted to post I tried your fix from the video and it also works for me so far, to get single-player running again.